Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Should you call a plumber?

For plumbing issues, Always call a Plumber!

Most of us will at some point in our lives have to deal with a plumbing issue, some of these issues are not very difficult to fix and we can fix them on our own but in some cases having a plumbers help is necessary. Our professional emergency plumbing team has come up with a few common problems that people might experience and should call a professional for.

1. Dripping Faucets

If you have a dripping faucet it may not seem like a big deal, and you might even consider simply ignoring it in order to avoid having to pay a plumber to come and fix it but having a dripping faucet can cause your water bill to go up dramatically, and over time you will end up actually saving money by getting a plumber to help. In most cases dripping faucets are not very easy fixes and calling a plumber is required to make sure that it`s done properly and the right tools are used.

2. Frozen Pipes

If you have frozen pipes we highly recommend that you call an emergency plumber, some people may try to fix this problem on their own by using blow dryers and other things but in most cases, it won`t be enough to thaw the pipes and can make the problem worse. If you experience a burst pipe or your pipe cracks it can cause extensive damage to your home and will often require a professional water damage remediation team to help you clean up all the damage.

3. Clogged Toilet

If you have a clogged toilet in many cases you can simply use a plunger to fix it but in some cases, it can be trickier. If you notice that after flushing your water looks like it might overflow, remove the lid from the tank and close the toilet flapper. You can make the plunger more pliant by running it under hot water. If you are still unable to fix the problem it might be time to consider calling a plumber. If you have a clogged sewer line it could cause a sewage backup which can be very messy, an experienced plumber will help you find the exact problem and remedy it.

4. Low Water Pressure

If you’re experiencing low water pressure you can sometimes fix it by replacing your shower head but this doesn’t always work. Make sure to also check your valves and turn them to the fully opened position. If none of things work in fixing your low water pressure it could be time to call a plumber to take a look. Often leaky or broken pipes can cause low water pressure and trying to find the problem on your own can be very difficult.

If after reading this article you feel like you might have a problem that warrants calling a plumber be sure to give GTA Restoration a call at 416-358-666 our emergency plumbing team has years of experience and we can help you no matter how large the problem.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How to Prevent Summer Water Damage

Tips: How to Avoid Water Damage in summer?

It’s finally summer in Toronto, but don’t let the nice weather fool you. Many people assume that during the summer months water damage is not an issue that they need to think about but don’t let the high temperatures fool you. Water damage can happen at any time in the year and you need to be ready to deal with it.

It is unlikely that you will experience water damage due to the weather during the summer months but water damage doesn’t always happen because of outside conditions. If something goes wrong with your plumbing system you could have a large problem on your hands. Often even small problems can become big ones if you’re on vacation and your home is left empty for a few days, weeks, or months.

In order to prevent water damage in the summer while on vacation it’s important that you prepare your home against water damage whenever you are leaving it. Below are a few tips that our Water Damage Restoration team has prepared for you.

1. Turn off the water main

Turning off your water main when leaving your home for long periods of time will help avoid water pressure from building up in your pipes. By doing this you remove a lot of the chance of a leak since usually, leaks happen when there is a stoppage in the pipes. If you have a clogged pipe or drain it can cause the pressure to build up and damage a weak area in your plumbing system, by turning off the water main you don’t fix the potential problem but you will at least ensure that if your pipes are compromised they are done at a time when you are home and available to all a professional.

2. Drain the pipes

Once your water main is turned off you can turn on all the faucets in your home to let any built-up water out. This will ensure that the pipes are relieved from pressure and if you have a leaky fitting or faucet it will not cause problems.

3. Turn off the water heater

Turning off your water heater while on vacation will not only save energy but it prevents the chance of the water heater having a problem. Admittedly the odds that your water heater will cause problems is low, especially if it is a newer model and is well taken care of it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Also it is always a good thing to save energy.

4. Have a friend check your home

One of the easiest steps that you can take is asking a friend or family member to check on your home every once in a while if you are planning to be gone for a long time. If you follow all the above steps you should in most cases be able to leave for a week or two without any worries but if you plan to be gone for longer it’s always a good idea to have someone checking in on your home. So many things can go wrong in your home without having someone present and the best way to make sure its handled quickly is to have someone checking in on your home. Be sure to leave them with your insurance company’s information in case something does go wrong so that they can be contacted as soon as possible.

These are just a few tips to help make sure that your home survives the summer season. If you do experience any kind of water damage be sure that it is properly taken care of by experts. GTA Restoration has an experienced team that can be in your home quickly and help you with any water damage.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Roofing Emergency Roof Stracture!

How to prevent leaking roof emergency?

We all rely on roofs to keep us and the things in our home safe from the weather. Our roofs protect us from rain, snow, hail, and even provide shade for us in the summer. We use our roofs every day and rarely ever think about how positively they impact our lives but what do you do if something happens to your roof? It is not uncommon for roofs to be damaged by hail, wind or even something like a tree falling through them. Here are four common questions that people have during a roofing emergency.

1. How do I know I have a roofing emergency?

If your roof is damaged during a storm or rainfall, and water is getting into your home, you most likely have a roofing emergency on your hands. Once on site GTA Restoration is often able to quickly apply a protective cover to keep water out of your home temporarily. It is impossible to properly assess your home until the weather conditions are better and we can get a good look at the damage and see how serious the problem is and what will need to be done to permanently fix it.

2. What usually causes a roofing emergency?

A roofing emergency is usually caused by the weather, often heavy rain, snow, or hail can wear down a roof and cause issues over time. It is also especially common that heavy winds are able to pull shingles off of your roof or cause other debris like branches to fly at your roof. In extreme cases, wind could also cause a tree or other tall structure in the area to fall on your roof.

3. How does GTA Restoration handle a roofing emergency?

GTA Restoration has a team of experts that are prepared to help you deal with any kind of emergency roofing situation. We are a company that specializes in emergencies and understand how important it is for us to be on-site as soon as possible. Unless the weather is so bad that it is dangerous for our crew to come to inspect the damage we will have someone on site very quickly.

4. What should I do in a roofing emergency?

The most important tip for a homeowner to follow during a roof emergency is to not panic and not try to repair the damage on their own. Once the damage has already been done it is important to make sure that it is taken care of properly since your roof is such an important part of your home. GTA Restoration has a very skilled team that can help you work with your insurance and make sure that the job is taken care of properly.

We would like to stress the importance of not trying to fix the problem on your own, it can be incredibly dangerous climbing onto your roof and it’s not worth potentially injuring yourself.

If you are facing a roofing emergency feel free to call GTA Restoration at 416-358-6666 our team has dealt with many emergencies and can help you 24/7

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Tips for Property Managers Dealing with Water Damage

Water Damage Tips for Property Managers!

Water damage can seriously affect the value of your property and put your tenant's health in risk. Problems that may seem small or unimportant can quickly turn into a disaster that is expensive to repair. It’s important as a property manager to make sure that your property is free from problems such as a leaky plumbing system or poorly sealed windows. Investing into fixing these problems early on can ensure that they won’t get out of hand and result in more costly property damages and future repairs.

Some common problems that come with water damage include:

Mold: If water damage isn’t taken care of properly and quickly often it will result in mold growth. In many cases mold can grow behind walls or in other hidden areas and go unnoticed. Mold is dangerous not only to the structural integrity of your property but to the tenants living in your property. Mold can cause serious health risks to many people.

Roof Damage: If your property has clogged gutters, debris or moss on the roof it can cause water to pool and damage your shingles.

Foundation damage: If you’re not diverting the water away with downspouts excess moisture can cause a basement to flood or spread throughout the foundation.

Property loss: Apart from your property being damaged flooding can cause things like carpets and appliances to be destroyed.

How to avoid water damage leaks?

One of the best ways to avoid water damage is to make sure that all the parts on your property that are likely to cause water damage are checked regularly for damage. Often if you can catch a problem early enough you can fix it while avoiding much damage and for minimal cost.Some parts/places we recommend you check for damage include:

• Exhaust Fans• Window Frames• Ceilings and walls (look for water stains)• Expansion Joints• Gutters & Downspouts• Attics• Sink Cabinets• Roof• Crawlspaces & Basements

What to do in the case of water damage

If your property experiences any kind of water damage we recommend you call a company like GTA Restoration that is certified to deal with water damage as soon as possible. After calling a certified water damage restoration company you can begin to take some pictures but in most cases, you don’t need to worry about this as the water damage restoration company will take the pictures for you and help you file a claim with your insurance. Depending on how severe the damage is you might need to help your tenants with evacuating the property.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

GTA Restoration Seervice Toronto Feferral Fee Program!

Referral fee program offered by GTA Restoration!

Do you know anybody with mold or water damage? GTA Restoration is now offering a referral program, for every person that you refer to us we will give you 10%. That means from a $1,000 job you will get $100 or from a $10,000 job you will get $1,000 unlike many other companies in our industry we don’t put a cap on how much you can earn, so no matter how expensive the job is you will always get 10%

Remember: This will take effect if the Invoice is paid within the due date!

GTA Restoration is a highly trusted company and we are fully certified to perform water damage restoration and mold remediation so you can recommend us with confidence.

If you would like to get some brochures or cards from us to hand out to people that you know might be interested let us know and we can provide them for you. If you would like more information on this program you can contact us at or by calling us at 416-358-6666

Friday, September 24, 2021

3 Tips to find Common Water Leak from Roofing Issues!

How to find Roofing Water Leak Issues!

A problem that many homeowners will face at some point in their lives is a leaky roof. It can be very expensive to fix a roof leak, especially in an emergency situation when a crew needs to be on the scene immediately. In most cases, homeowners are not trained to fix roofing problems on their own and must rely on experts to help them during an emergency but even experts sometimes have trouble finding and detecting the source of the leak. In many cases, water will enter in one spot and travel to a completely different area making it difficult to find and fix the water leak. By taking good care of your roof and following a simple maintenance program, most roof damage can be completely avoided.

Just like you don’t expect a car that never has the oil changed to run you shouldn’t expect your roof to continue to work flawlessly without some sort of maintenance plan.

We recommend that you have a roof inspection conducted regularly to make sure that you don’t run into any emergencies during the next large storm. Here are three common places to check for any damage that could potentially lead to a roof leak causing water damage.

1. If it sticks out it should be inspected.

Often the areas at most risks for developing problems and causing water leaks are parts of the roof that stick out. These parts stop the flow of water and can cause problems. Some common things to look at include:

• Chimneys• Skylights• Plumbing vents

2. Check your attic.

Sometimes homeowners assume that their roofing is the cause of a water leak when it’s actually their attic causing the problem. Some common problems stem from improper ventilation, bug infestations, plumbing issues, and vent fans. Watch out for the following:

• Algae stains on plywood• Mold Contamination• Wet or damp insulation• Rusted nails• Are your intake vents clean? Make sure they don’t get clogged with dust, paint, or spider webs.

3. Clean your gutters!

Most homeowners are unaware with how important it is to have clean gutters that are properly installed. Gutters are a very important part of your home and simply making sure that they are regularly cleaned and installed properly to drain can go a long way in helping keep your roof safe.

We always recommend that you have a professional company to help you with all of these steps. GTA Restoration has lots of experience with Emergency Roof Repair in Toronto and can help you detect any potential issues with your roof before turns into a BIG Problem. Our team can also provide water leak detection services.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

3 Types of Mold Contamination

3 Different Types of Mold Contamination

Mold is everywhere we go, whether you are inside your home or outside, mold spores are always in the air. Mold is the most common fungi on earth and cannot be avoided. The mold spores in the air do an important job by helping to recycle dead organic matter and so new life is able to grow. In most cases, mold spores are not harmful at all to us, although in some cases when the conditions permit mold can be incredibly dangerous.

Mold will only grow in the right conditions, a good way to prevent mold or spot it before it gets worse is to understand the kind of environment mold likes to grow in. The most important requirements for a mold friendly environment are moisture, a comfortable temperature range (this is the same temperature that humans live in), and a surface to feed on. The easiest way to prevent mold from growing in your home is to cut off its access to moisture, mold requires that there is a lot of moisture in order to continue to grow. We recommend that you check any areas that are often moist or have water flowing through them when looking for mold. Some common areas for mold to grow in include kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and attics although mold can be found everywhere.

Luckily for us, mold isn’t always dangerous, despite the common belief most mold is actually non-toxic. The three most common types of mold are:

Allergenic Molds:

This type of mold is fairly safe and is generally not a big threat to humans. In some cases, Allergenic Molds may cause allergic reactions to those who already have asthma or allergies. It is uncommon for people to experience any serious reactions and in most cases, if they do have allergic reactions it will be things like rashes, itchy throats, and nose/eye irritation.

Pathogenic Molds:

These molds are a bit more dangerous to humans. Pathogenic Molds are known to cause health issues to many people, usually either after physical contact or through respiratory infection. Despite being dangerous to many humans, most healthy people will not be in danger. If any of your children, elderly people, or sick people that have respiratory issues live in the mold infested area we highly recommend you keep them away from any mold. Pathogenic molds can be especially dangerous to them and can cause serious health problems.

Toxigenic Molds:

As you might have guessed Toxigenic Molds are the most dangerous, these molds are known to cause problems to both healthy and unhealthy people. This mold is thankfully very rare but living with it can cause very many lifelong problems and we don’t recommend you try to do it if you find out you have Toxigenic Molds in your home please do not stay in it, go to either a friends/family members house or hotel while you have a certified professionally team take care of it. There is no way of knowing the exact type of mold present without lab testing but our experts can often spot if mold is very dangerous or not.

Mold is commonly found after water damage or floods, especially in cases where the water damage wasn’t taken care of professionally by a certified water damage restoration company. If water has managed to get into your walls you will often have mold problems. If you have recently had any trouble with water damage or suspect you might have mold we recommend you call a certified mold inspector and conduct a mold inspection. The team at GTA Restoration is highly trained and is a certified mold removal and remediation company located in the Greater Toronto Area.
Prevent Toronto Spring Flood!

Prevent House Flood from Spring Rains!

House Flood: Spring is just around the corner and each year Canadians eagerly await the arrival of warmer weather. But along with the higher temperatures, homeowners must be aware of spring rains and spring run-off water from all the melting snow and frozen water in the ground. Spring flood are common at this time of year and going through a checklist of potential risk areas that can contribute to flooding is important. Water damage from spring flood or spring rains can be costly to repair so better be safe than sorry!

Prevent Water Damage from Melting Snow!

Here is a list of things that could cause a flood in your home:

- Poor drainage and blocked drains

- Cracks around your foundation and basement walls

- Blockage to the sewer system from your home

- Sump pump failure

Here is what you should do to avoid house flood:

- Clear all snow around the foundation walls of your home. Melting snow pilled up around the perimeter of your home will run down your basement walls. Make sure you create channels through the snow that melting water and rain water can escape, preferably leading to a downhill.

- Clean your gutters, drains and downspouts. Remove snow, ice, debris from the winter and anything that could create a blockage.

- Make sure your downspouts coming from the roof extends at least two meters away from your foundation.

- If your house is susceptible to flooding then the installation of a sump pump is a good investment.

- If you already have a sump pump installed then test it to make sure it is working properly.

- Check your basement walls for cracks or openings. Seal all cracks and make sure to seal around windows too.

- Make sure the grading of the soil around your home slopes away from your foundation. Remove dead plants and plant matter from around your home to ensure that the grading will be level to let water drain away from your house.

If you do experience basement flooding or a sewer backup then give GTA Restoration a call at 416-358-6666 to prevent further water damage. We specialize in water damage and flood restoration, structural drying, and sewer backup cleanup.
Prevent Toronto Spring Floods!

Prevent House Flood from Spring Rains!

House Flood: Spring is just around the corner and each year Canadians eagerly await the arrival of warmer weather. But along with the higher temperatures, homeowners must be aware of spring rains and spring run-off water from all the melting snow and frozen water in the ground. Spring flood are common at this time of year and going through a checklist of potential risk areas that can contribute to flooding is important. Water damage from spring flood or spring rains can be costly to repair so better be safe than sorry!

Prevent Water Damage from Melting Snow!

Here is a list of things that could cause a flood in your home:

- Poor drainage and blocked drains

- Cracks around your foundation and basement walls

- Blockage to the sewer system from your home

- Sump pump failure

Here is what you should do to avoid house flood:

- Clear all snow around the foundation walls of your home. Melting snow pilled up around the perimeter of your home will run down your basement walls. Make sure you create channels through the snow that melting water and rain water can escape, preferably leading to a downhill.

- Clean your gutters, drains and downspouts. Remove snow, ice, debris from the winter and anything that could create a blockage.

- Make sure your downspouts coming from the roof extends at least two meters away from your foundation.

- If your house is susceptible to flooding then the installation of a sump pump is a good investment.

- If you already have a sump pump installed then test it to make sure it is working properly.

- Check your basement walls for cracks or openings. Seal all cracks and make sure to seal around windows too.

- Make sure the grading of the soil around your home slopes away from your foundation. Remove dead plants and plant matter from around your home to ensure that the grading will be level to let water drain away from your house.

If you do experience basement flooding or a sewer backup then give GTA Restoration a call at 416-358-6666 to prevent further water damage. We specialize in water damage and flood restoration, structural drying, and sewer backup cleanup.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

How to prevent buying a mold infested home in Toronto

How to Buy a House Mold Free in Toronto?

Buying a house with a mold problem is a big fear for many people looking to buy a new home. Mold spores can be incredibly difficult to detect in certain situations and might even be hidden behind a wall or other enclosed area. Asking the seller about any potential or past mold or water damage issues is very important when buying a home.

The Problem with Mold Contamination

The biggest challenge with finding mold in a home is the many different ways that it can look, many times mold is confused for dirt or debris. When searching for mold it is a common misconception that all mold has a strong odour to it but that isn’t always the case, because of the many different types of mold that exist it’s important to be extra cautious with anything even slightly resembling mold.

Mold is most often found in wet or damp areas, so be sure to check any areas that seem wet or damp for visible mold. Be sure to ask the seller if the home had ever experienced any water damage in the past, as mold is a common symptom of water damage that wasn’t treated properly.Some common areas where you can find mold include:

• Washrooms• Kitchens• Basements• Poorly ventilated rooms

It’s very important that you carefully search all these rooms for any visible mold but keep in mind that it’s not uncommon for mold to hide behind walls, under floors and in many other hidden areas in a home. For the best tips on detecting mold in a house, you can look at the other posts on our blog. You can also see the dangers of mold on our blog.

If you have the home inspected by a home inspector make sure to ask them if they see any mold or signs of previous water damage. Home inspectors are not required to search for mold or water damage although in most cases they will mention it if they notice any. You can also request the home inspector to include any information about past water damage or potential mold in their report, some may not want to do it in order to avoid liability for mold problems, but they will almost always be willing to talk to you about anything that seems suspicious.

If you’re thinking of making an offer on a home but are afraid it might have mold issues you can add a mold related contingency on your offer. If it is accepted you can have a mold inspection conducted by a certified team and if any mold is found you will be able to back out or negotiate a better deal for the home, taking into account the cost of mold remediation. We highly recommend that you don’t purchase a home with known mold problems if you don't intend on taking care of it immediately, especially if anyone in your family has asthma or if an elderly person or baby is going to be living in the home.

GTA Restoration provides mold inspections in the Greater Toronto Area, our team is certified and incredibly experienced, give us a call at 416-358-6666 to learn more.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Blocked Clogged Drains in Toronto Preventing Sewer Backup!

Blocked & Clogged Drain in Toronto?

Prevent Sewer Backup Contamination Now!

There are many different problems that could cause your sewer system to end up compromised and cause a major overflow in your home.  For example, if your area received a large influx of rain in a short period of time, it can cause the runoff to overwhelm the sewer lines and result in a sewer backup.

Common Contributors to Sewer Backup in Toronto!

One of the best ways to avoid a sewer backup is to know why they happen.

A very common mistake that people make is pouring grease down the sink. This is one of the easiest ways to clog your drains up and cause the sewer line to backup.

On the other end of common plumbing problems is the toilet.  It can be easy to assume that it will take a lot of toilet paper alone to clog a toilet and cause a sewer blockage, but it’s all a matter of timing, where the pipe bends is where most clogging points happen.  Paper towels and baby wipes can cause a clog all on their own.

This is why sometimes a simple plunger won’t work and you have to go out and get a pipe snaking tool.  Some people use Liquid drainage solutions but many highly discourage the use of these as they are very toxic products that destroy our water table and any wildlife that comes into contact with it due to runoff.

One other common, but less obvious cause of sewer backup in Toronto especially is pipe breakage from trees and shrubs that extend their roots across their paths.  This can catch owners off-guard and result in a devastating situation if they do not have a sewer backup insurance plan.

Get Proactive on Sewage Backup in Toronto!

One way to prevent having to deal with any exposure of sewage water in the event of a sewer backup is to install a backflow valve.  This can afford you the time needed to call a plumber to fix the cause of the problem without getting caught with a flooded basement and no time to react.

Being aware of how old your pipes are in your home and around your property can help prevent the aforementioned plant root encroachment.  It’s probably a good idea to replace any old lead pipes with PVC for both health and safety reasons.

Better Safe than Sorry!

Lastly, having a good drainage plan in-place can cover many different sewage backup scenarios.  Survey your downspouts to make sure that they are properly directing water out, not just finding a wedge for water to go.  The same goes for making sure your elevation around the home is not just allowing heavy rains to collect along the perimeter of your property.

If you do ever experience a sewer backup and/or basement flood, never try to go in and fix the problem yourself, if you don’t know exactly how it happened.  Risking your health to try to save money on the clean-up is not worth it.  Sewage water is carrying more than your typical flora of bacteria and viruses as found on the surfaces of your bathroom or kitchen counters.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Mold Test and Inspection Service in Toronto

Mold Inspection, Mold Testing Certified Firm!

GTA Restoration a Mold Removal Service in Toronto!

Many people are worried that they might have mold but are unsure. Our team is fully certified and can perform a thorough mold inspection in your home or business to help determine if you have mold. Below we have listed our mold inspection procedure and what you can expect to happen when calling us.

1. The first step to any mold inspection is talking with you to better understand the situation. By learning about why you think you might have mold we are able to help you more efficiently, saving you money and time.

2. Once we have discussed the situation and feel comfortable about moving forward we will perform a visual inspection. We will inspect both in exterior and interior area of your home, documenting where mold is likely to be hidden.

3. After inspecting the whole home or building we will perform an air sample in high risk areas as well as an outdoor control sample. If we think that any of your furniture or items might be in risk of having mold we may take a swab or small sample to be analyzed at our mold testing laboratory.

4. Once the inspection is complete we will provide you with a report detailing the results and our recommendations on how to proceed.

5. In the case that we detect mold we will recommend that you perform mold remediation, our team is well trained and fully certified to perform the mold removal but if you would prefer to use another team you can. We highly recommend that you only use a certified mold remediation company. You can also see our 3 step mold removal process.

6. Once the mold is removed our experts will return to perform another air sample and confirm that no more mold remains in the air and it has completely been removed.

Mold can cause you and your family many health issues and isn't something that should be taken lightly, you can see our post on the symptoms and health risks of mold to get a better idea of how harmful it can be. Alternatively, you can also follow our steps to find mold yourself, but it is not as effective as having a mold inspection performed by one of our specialists.

If you think you might have mold, Call and book a certified firm to perform a Mold Inspection, Mold Test, Mold Removal services in Toronto! Give us a Call Now @ 416-358-6666

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Signs of Mold Growth in your Home and How to Detect it!

Signs of Mold Growth and How to Detect it in your Home!

Most of us are aware of the dangers that come with mold, and are eager to avoid them but how do you know if you have mold? Below we have listed a few common signs of mold to help you better detect it on your own.

Mold Odour

One of the most common ways to find mold in your home is by smelling it. Detecting mold using smell works especially well when it’s not visible. In many cases, the odor that comes with mold can be the only indicator of it, as it may be hidden behind a wall or under the floor. Although not all mold has a strong smell if you do smell any mold it needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

Visible Mold Growth

In many cases mold is visible, but it’s often overlooked, small amounts of mold are often confused with soot or dirt by the untrained eye. We urge everyone to keep an eye open for any mold, especially in areas that are very common to develop mold like kitchens, basements and washrooms. If you think you might be looking at mold, have a professional check it out as soon as you can. Even if it’s just dirt or soot, it’s important to have a professional check it so that you can have peace of mind.

Usually small areas of mold will grow quickly so if you can catch is fast enough it can save you lots of money in the long run. It is also not uncommon that a small amount of visible mold can lead our experts to a much larger patch of mold that’s hidden behind a wall or tiles.

Since so many different kinds of mold exist, it can look very different depending on what kind it is. Don’t take any risks if you think something is mold have an expert take a look.

Mold Symptoms

Mold exposure has many different symptoms some common allergic reactions to mold include sore eyes, a runny nose or sneezing although mold affects everyone differently. If you experience neurological symptoms like headaches, dizziness, memory loss and a shorter attention span you might have poisonous toxic mold.

Toxic mold is very serious and the mycotoxins in it can cause many problems and have a very serious effect on you. If you are feeling especially sick it is very important for your health to call an expert immediately and stay away from the area that is making you sick.

If you notice that your allergies or neurological symptoms are especially worse when you are in your home and you feel much better when you aren’t home it is especially likely that you might have mold. On the other hand, if you’re reactions are getting worse while at work, or at a friend’s house they might have mold and you should suggest they get their homes tested. Even if everyone else feels fine in an area that does not mean it is mold free, mold affects everyone differently and some people are more sensitive to it.

Look here to see more symptoms of mold.

Condensation of Mold Growth in your home!

If your home has lots of condensation you are likely at risk of having mold. Since you have a lot of moisture it creates a wonderful environment for mold to grow in. Condensation often appears on windows and pipes, if you have rusted pipes inside your home it’s a good sign that you might have a lot of condensation.

If you have condensation in your home it is also a sign that you might have a humidity problem, which creates a good environment for mold and increase your risk of having it.

Water Damage

If you home has ever experienced any water problems, like a flood, burst pipe, leak or water damage and it was not taken care of properly by a certified water damage restoration company it is very likely that you have mold in your home. It is common that our experts will find mold hidden behind walls or under floors from a previous water problem.

If you notice that there is some discoloration on your walls, floors or ceiling you might have a moisture problem that needs to be taken care of. Some more symptoms from a moisture problem include peeling and bubbling in your wallpaper. Bulging, warped, bowed or damp walls.

If you ever experience a leak or water damage we highly recommend you don’t leave it to dry on its own but call a certified company to save yourself from mold and save money and time in the long run.

The best way to find mold

If you are worried that you might have mold in your home but are unsure the best way to find out is with mold testing. Our technicians are fully licensed and ready to handle any mold problem in the Greater Toronto Area. We can test your home and ensure that it is mold free. Give us a call at 416-358-666 and we can perform a mold inspection in your home.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

How to keep your home safe from fire water damage in Toronto wile going on vacation!

3 Steps you must do prior going on vacation!

3 Tips on how to keep your home safe from fire & water damage!

The weather is finally starting to look a bit nicer here in Toronto and with summer just around the corner many of us will be taking advantage of the great weather by going on vacation. Here are a few tips on what you can do to help keep your home safe from fire and water damage while on vacation.

Turn Off all the water supply lines:

If you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time, we highly recommend turning off the main water supply. You don’t want to come home to an overflowing toilet or a burst pipe after a relaxing vacation. There are tons of different water related problems that can occur in your home that need to be dealt with as soon as possible in order to avoid serious damage. Many of these problems can be avoided by simply turning off the main water supply in your home.

Unplug all unused electronics:

Unplug all Power cords Before Dealing with Water Damage issues n Toronto!

Unplugging unused electronics in your home while your gone is always a good idea to prevent any fires from starting. Unplugging unused electronics also has the added benefit of helping you save on your energy bill. Having electronics plugged in when you aren't home still uses some energy.

Check your roof, gutters also doors & windows:

Before leaving your home take a short walk around your house and make sure that your gutters are free from any debris, sticks or leaves that may be blocking the inlet of the downspout and stopping water. Blocked gutters are a common cause for water flooding and can be avoided by quickly checking your gutters.

These 3 simple tips can save you a lot of money and a lot of headache. Often insurance companies won’t cover you if you have a burst pipe or any other form of water damage while on vacation and away from home since you don't realize until it's too late. We highly encourage you to have a friend or neighbor check on your home every once in a while if you are on vacation, so if a problem does occur you can take care of it immediately.

We hope that with these tips you will be able to avoid a disaster while you are on vacation and have some more peace of mind. If you do experience some water damage or fire damage in your Toronto home feel free to give GTA Restoration a call, our team can be on site and ready to assist you 24/7 no matter what day of the year.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Carpet Water Damage in a Toronto Home Basement!

How to deal with Water Damage Carpet from Toronto Flooding!

 If you experience a basement flood or your home has water damage, it is likely that mold will begin to grow in the affected area because it becomes the ideal environment for mold. After a storm, broken pipe, or a leak the bacteria that are in the water will combine with the bacteria in the carpet which will create an environment perfect for mold. 

When you first experience water damage to your carpet it is important that you act as soon as possible because the longer it takes for you to act, the smaller the chance of you being able to save the carpet. This is why we highly recommend that you have a certified team on site as soon as you notice any water damage in your home. Once you have a qualified team on site they can help you to restore your carpet and stop the mold growth.

Our water damage restoration team will do everything possible in order to save your carpet!

Below we’ve included the steps that our team takes in a situation like this.

- Extracting the water: Our first priority when we first come in is to extract all the water from the damaged area, we do this using pumps and high-powered vacuums.

- Fan the area: We use fans to help circulate the air and try to prevent any mold, they also help dry the area at the same time.

- Dehumidifiers: We use powerful dehumidifiers to get rid of any humidity in the area, since mold loves humidity it’s very important that we prevent it.

- Cleaning: Once we have extracted the water from the carpets, we sanitize them and remove any mold or mildew that might have begun to grow. This also cleans any bacteria that may have been in the water.

- Baseboards and wall cleanup: Apart from your carpet it’s also important that we clean your baseboards and walls since they have also been in contact with the water and are in risk of getting mold.

- Drying of all furniture: If the room that your carpet was in had any furniture, we would need to dry that as well and clean it to ensure that it is safe from mold spores. Any furniture that was in contact with water needs to be cleaned and dried. If you can remove furniture from the room before the water damage gets too extensive, we recommend you do it.

In the case of water damage, we highly recommend that you call a certified professional to help you deal with any water damage, this is important not only to help save your carpet and furniture but to prevent any potential mold growth that could be harmful to your health. GTA Restoration has a team on standby 24/7 and can help with any water damage issues anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Mold Inspector performing a full Mold Inspection and Mold Test in Toronto a Property

Mold Contamination may affect a child’s IQ & health.

Performing a Mold Test & Inspection will protect your kids and the loved ones!

Today’s parents make better choices for their children. Nowadays we have a greater understanding of how the environment, what goes in their kids food, the plastics, toys are made off, all can include contaminants or harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to both their children’s health and even their mental development. Organic foods, non GMO, natural clothing and natural house cleaning supplies are some of the choices parents make to protect their children’s health.

But very few parents think about their home indoor air quality and how that affects their children every single day.

With the aging real estate in Toronto, mold resulting from moisture and water damage, especially in spring due to the snow melt, has become an issue that SHOULD be checked. Also, new properties that had any water damage in the past carry a high risk for mold growth.

Home mold testing gives you peace of mind!


Not all mold is dangerous. But certain types of mold have been correlated to health issues like allergic reactions, respiratory infections, inflammation of the lungs and development of asthma in young children. Also individuals with a compromised immune system may be at increased risk for infection from molds.


A 2011 study in Poland following 277 children for 6 years showed that there were neurologic effects and an impact to the cognitive function of children exposed to dangerous types of mold in early childhood. The adjusted IQ deficit attributed to longer exposures to indoor molds (more than 2 years) was significantly lower on the IQ and tripled the risk of low IQ scoring compared with references. Source:

Granted, the Polish children in this study suffered chronic exposure to indoor mold, and only specific mold species are toxic, like a black mold for example. BUT non visible home mold could result in chronic mold exposure before the growth spreads to visible areas.

Mold in the Ceiling, Working with Mold Removal Toronto


Mold is not always growing in visible areas of high moisture like your kitchen, bathroom and laundry room. Hidden mold can grow in all building materials, inside and close to vent areas, basements and attics.

This hidden mold can be as dangerous as visible growth areas. Mold spores travel in the air, through vents, carried by your HVAC system throughout your house.


Having your home tested for mold and assessing your indoor air quality is easily done by Mold Removal & Remediation professionals in your area. Cost is relatively low and averages about $240 depending on the size of your home and any already visible mold areas. This is a non-invasive process which that will not cause any damage to your property or need for renovation.

Some of the mold testing steps include an indoor air quality test using air monitoring instruments that have the capability to measure mold spores quantity and mold species present in your air. Also, the indoor air quality test will give readings on carbon dioxide & monoxide and other air pollutants.

If small visible mold areas exist in your home a swab will be collected from each affected area and a mold test will be performed for each swab to determine the mold species present.


How to make a Mold Containment Chamber Toronto

Mold Removal is the answer!

If mold is found in your home it should be taken cared off as fast as possible to prevent any further growth. Also, areas of existing mold, even if it is not toxic, are perfect breeding grounds for other mold species to find a home.

In order to properly remove all mold it is important to build an airtight containment area using the ceiling to floor and wall to wall plastic sheeting. By isolating the work area the mold remediators ensure that mold spores are not released from the site and travel further into your home affecting more areas. After the mold effected drywall/wood/carpet or flooring is removed dehumidifiers are set up and used to dry the affected area making sure that no moisture is present for mold to grow.

Mold Inspection and Testing Toronto

Mold Remediation in nacecery!

Once all the mold is removed the area is treated with antimicrobial, anti fungal and disinfectant treatment solutions that inhibit future mold growth. HEPA vacuums are finally used to get rid of any remaining mold spores.

We believe that a $400 investment is worth the peace of mind it will give parents and homeowners and it could potentially save you renovation costs if mold affected areas are caught before they expand to large areas.

GTA Restoration is a mold removal & remediation service provider in Toronto serving the Greater Toronto Area. We are an IICRC certified mold remediation company with 19 years of experience in mold removal & remediation. We also perform thermal imaging leak and moisture detection and home buyer’s surveys.

Give us a call today to book your home mold testing & inspection: 416-358-6666

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How to prepare your home for heavy rain in Toronto

How to prepare your home from heavy rain in Toronto?

After a cold winter, it’s finally spring and although we probably won’t have to worry about snow for the next few months, rain is unavoidable. Flooded basements and water damage are incredibly common this season and preparing your home for the rain that is sure to come is very important.

How to prepare your home for rain?

In order to help you better survive the next few weeks we have compiled a list of things you should do to avoid water damage in your home. Following the few tips below will ensure that your house is ready for the rain and can end up saving you thousands of dollars.

Check your caulking

Check the caulking around your windows and doors to make sure that it isn’t cracked or chipped. If you notice any cracks or chips the caulking needs to be replaced.

Look for dead branches

Look in your backyard and front yard for any trees that might have dead branches that might fall and potentially cause damage in windy conditions.

Check your gutters

Check the gutters and drains in your home for branches, leaves and other debris. Overflowing water is a common problem and could be easily prevented by regularly cleaning your gutters and drains.

Lower pool water

If you have a pool lower the water to help prevent it from overflowing, the chlorine in the water can cause damage to your grass.

Turn off automated sprinklers

If you have an automated sprinkler system remember to turn it off when rain is expected.

Secure loose furniture

If you have any furniture outside, like garbage cans or patio furniture make sure that it is secured and can’t be blown by the wind.

Prepare a first aid kit

Have a first aid kit ready and prepared in case the worst happens, make sure you also have a flashlight and spare batteries in an easy to access area.

Know how to turn off the electricity

If your house does get flooded be ready to turn off the electricity and know how to do it.

Following these few simple tips can save you thousands of dollars in damages and many headaches. In the case that a flood does occur in your home and you need help GTA Restoration is always on standby and prepared for an emergency, don’t wait for the damage to get worse and call us as soon as the problem occurs. Bacteria begins to grow in only a few hours and you don’t want to have mold problems in the future.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How to Prevent Household Water Damage in Toronto Winter!

Ice Damage can Cause Water Leak & Mold within 24-Hours!

Spring has arrived and the snow has begun to slowly melt, while many of us look forward to this time of year it can also cause a lot of issues. You should be extra careful around this time of the year to make sure that no water is able to get through your roof or into your basement.

Ice Damage Can Cause Water Leak and Mold within 24-Hours

When the snow melts it will often find ways to get into your home. If you find yourself in a situation where water is getting into your home and you experience flooding or water damage you can check out our guide on what to do it your basement floods.

In most cases during this time of the season basement leaks will occur slowly as the temperature begins to rise so you might not notice them straight away. If you notice any of your walls or floors are moist examine them for water damage. If you think you might be experiencing a water leak but are not sure you can always call a company like GTA Restoration to perform water leak detection.

If you think you might be having trouble with water getting into your home don’t wait to see what happens. If mold begins to grow in your home it will only make the situation worse and more expensive to repair. If you think you might already have mold, GTA Restoration can perform a mold inspection to see if you have any and if you do we can remove it as well.

In all cases it is best to not take risks when it comes to water damage. Let the experts handle it, at the very least it will provide you peace of mind, but in many cases especially with mold it can save your health.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Prevent Water Damage Problems & Mold Growing in Toronto

How can you prevent Mold Growth?

Lots of people ask us how can they prevent mold from growing in their homes, although it isn't always easy it is definitely possible to help prevent mold from growing within your home. Below we have made a list of the top 3 things that you can do to stop mold and keep you and your family safe.

1. Find plumbing issues early and fix them

Plumbing issues are one of the main factors contributing to mold growth. If you notice that you have a leaky pipe you should call a plumbing company to fix it as soon as you can. GTA Restoration offers plumbing services in Toronto & the GTA that can help you with this if required. Mold is attracted to moist areas and by not fixing a leak or any other problem you will be helping promote mold growth. GTA Restoration also offers a leak detection service utilizing non-destructive equipment, like thermal imaging and moisture meters.

2. Throw out any items that are contaminated

If you find anything in your home that has been contaminated instead of trying to clean it we recommend you throw it out. Especially if it is an item that is hard to dry such as carpet, fabric, tiles or wooden furniture.

3. Watch your humidity levels

It's very important that you keep the humidity levels in your home under control have your humidity level at the recommended level is a good way to ensure that your home stays healthy. Your relative humidity level should ideally be around 30-40% depending on the season.

If you find any mold in your home we recommend you call us right away, mold can be dangerous to your health and especially dangerous to younger children and the elderly. We recommend you read out post on the risks of mold to learn more about this. If you are in the Greater Toronto Area and are having any problems with mold we recommend you call us and we can have an expert on site to quickly help you determine how serious the mold is and how we should proceed. Check out our services page on Mold Remediation.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Toronto Flood Restoration

What do you need to do if your Basement Flooded?

Call Toronto Flood Restoration asap!

If you have a flooded basement or some water damage from a burst pipe the first thing you should do is turn off the water source if you have access to it. The next step is to call a plumber, GTA Restoration has emergency plumbers ready to assist you as soon as any problem arises. Call us as soon as you can so that we can help you, the faster that you call us the more damage we can prevent from happening. Our plumbers will take care of the problem but if there is a lot of damage or an area has been wet for over 24 hours it is likely that more work will be required. Even though your house might look dry in most cases it is not and not drying it can lead to many further problems such as mold and cause you more headaches than it should. The team at GTA Restoration has the equipment and expertise to completely dry any potentially wet areas.

Leaving this areas wet will likely cause mold growth, it is not always very visible but by not taking care of it you will be putting yourself and anybody else on the property in risk. You can see the possible risks that accompany mold on our blog.

Another common problem that occurs after water damage like a flood is water seepage. This can lead to many problems such as cracked walls, floors, and ceilings. Don’t let this problem lead to more problems that can ruin the structural integrity of your home and cause even more problems. It is incredibly important that you make sure all moisture is removed from the affected areas.

If the water damage is able to access and electrical outlets or your circuit breaker box your electrical system might be in serious risk of failing. If you can turn off the power in the damaged area you should.

Calling GTA Restoration will help you save your home a prevent a further disaster. We will make sure that your property is completely dry and prevent any potential mold growth. It might seem expensive to hire professionals like GTA Restoration when you think that you can handle the problem yourself but it can save you money in the end by helping your prevent further problems. No matter how small or large your water damage call us today.

If the water damage occurred in the past and was not taken care of efficiently, you might get mold growth. Check our mold removal page for more information on how we can help you deal with mold.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Platon Installation Toronto GTA Restoration

Property Waterproofing in Toronto?

Waterproofing is the process of sealing or blocking any area that water can seep into. When you water proof something you are making it water resistant. Lots of objects are water proofed or water resistant to avoid damage such as cameras and watches. Waterproofing first became popular when boats were water proofed with pitch or tar. Although over time it has become much more popular in many industries. Plumbing is one of the most common industries when people think about waterproofing, all tubes and pipes must be water proofed and sealed. This is usually done by using o-rings and rubber gaskets. Another technique commonly used is water-repellent coatings usually this is what’s used to water proof concrete walls in basements, decks and other structures built in wet or damp areas.

Why is waterproofing concrete necessary?

If concrete is wet for too long it will get softer and start to crack. Any structure made of concrete should be water proofed because although it looks very strong it is actually filled with many tiny holes on the inside that are created when construction workers mix the concrete with water. As a result concrete can absorb a lot of water. If concrete is not properly water proofed it can cause problems with leaks and cause your property to be very damp. This is bad because it can cause seriously damage to the structure of your property and cause the growth of mold. The team at GTA Restoration can help you with waterproofing no matter how big or small the situation is. You can see more information about waterproofing here.
Mold Removal and Remediation
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.When to perform a mold inspection
A big concern of any home or property owner is the presence of mold growth. Especially those who own older properties or have recently been the victim of water damage of any kind. Those who suspect of mold in any of their indoor spaces should immediately call professionals to perform inspections and confirm the presence of any fungal growth. Mold is known for developing quickly and being easy to spot once it becomes a problem. Under optimal conditions, certain types of mold are even known for releasing harmful chemicals that can attach to dust particles and remain long after the mold has been removed. Time is of the essence in inspection and removal, Here we can outline the process you can expect to go through if you decide to call professionals such as us to take charge in detection and removal of mold in your home or business.
The process
Since mold has a propensity for being difficult to spot, or grow in hard to reach spaces such as crawl spaces and within walls. The first step of the process should be to take an assessment of the air quality. Mold spores, which are microscopic seeds, tend to travel on indoor air currents as their method of spreading. This will require the sampling of the air in different areas to be able to gauge the level of contamination in, as well as the reach of the contamination. Testing the air quality is the most reliable way of detecting mold that may be growing in inaccessible areas that cannot be visually inspected. This assessment will be important to deciding the rest of the process of remediation and removal.
There are 2 important elements to any inspection.

- A detailed exterior inspection, allowing for the finding of any areas on the outside that may be allowing moisture or water to enter and leak into the property.
- A detailed interior inspection. Done by visually inspecting each room within the property. In addition to this, other methods of detection are performed, such as the air sampling mentioned earlier, and the inspecting of air temperature and relative humidity, both important factors in mold growth.

How the actual removal process goes will depend on the material that the mold is growing on. Certain surfaces allow for use of industrial strength chemicals that kill mold and stops it’s growth and spread. Otherwise other tools are available to scrub mold off surfaces. The mold and it’s spores are then dried and properly disposed of.
 HAVE ANY QUESTIONS?Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.
Black Mold Allergy Mold Illnes Mold Toxicity Sinusitis GTA Restoration Toronto Blolg kid with asthma Image

Mold removal is considered emergency plumbing.

What are the top five common mold removal questions? Read on to find out.

While mold can be beneficial in certain cases, such as in the case of cheese, it’s definitely not beneficial in your home. If you have problems with mold in your home, you may be looking for mold removal. Mold is caused by excessive humidity and lack of ventilation. Mold is dangerous because it contains mycotoxins that can cause many adverse health effects. The best way to deal with mold is to prevent it from happening at all with adequate ventilation.

While it’s technically possible to remove mold yourself, it’s best to leave it to a professional such as an emergency plumber. Mold removal can be a bit expensive, but it’s an emergency plumbing issue that must be fixed right away.  Read on to learn more about the dangers of mold, how to prevent mold, whether it’s possible to remove mold yourself, and how much mold removal typically costs.

Looking for Mold Removal Company in Toronto? We can help.

What causes mold?

              Mold develops when there is an overly wet environment. This is often caused by improper ventilation and high or uncontrolled humidity. It’s important to choose quality ventilation to help prevent mold growth; cross ventilation is most effective at controlling humidity.  60% humidity or more is considered a high humidity level. Anything at or above this level will provide ideal conditions for mold to grow.

Why is mold contamination dangerous?

              Mold, in many cases, can be toxic. Many types of mold produce mycotoxins – which are toxins that can become airborne. Mycotoxins can cause a variety of health problems and are considered a serious health threat by the World Health Organization. Effects of mycotoxins can range from short-term acute mycotoxin poisoning to long-term health effects such as immune deficiency or cancer.

              If you suspect you have mold, it’s important to call a certified mold removal service company or an emergency plumber right away.

How can mold be prevented?

              One way to prevent mold growth is by using a hygrometer. A hygrometer is a device that measures humidity. Hygrometers can easily be purchased online at a low cost. You can also purchase specialty devices called mold alarms if you’d like to be extra safe.

Can I complete mold removal myself?

              Technically, yes, you can. However, it’s extremely dangerous and requires very specific procedures. The best mold removal is done by an expert that has experience, education, certifications, and equipment. Unless you have no other choice, or you have experience, do not remove mold yourself.

How much does mold removal cost?

Mold removal costs vary depending on your location. Mold removal in Toronto, or the Greater Toronto Area, starts at $500 and goes up depending on severity. The cost may be a deterrent but remember that mycotoxins (which are produced by mold) can cause severe health problems. You should never wait on mold removal services.


A high humidity level can cause mold in the home. Several different factors can lead to a high humidity level in the home, including where the home is located, if the house is heated in Winter (and how much), and whether humidity is often trapped inside. One example of when humidity being trapped inside the home is after a long shower with shut windows. Condensation is also a factor, particularly in the winter. Temperature differences between indoors and outdoors can cause condensation, which will raise the humidity of the home.

After reading this article, you’re better equipped than ever to understand and prevent mold in your home.  Thanks for reading.
Restoring residential & commercial buildings across Toronto & the GTA

GTA Restoration Services of Toronto!

Welcome to our Restoration Services Toronto Blog where you can learn all about 24-hour Emergency Plumbing Services: Water Damage Restoration, Fire Damage Restoration, Flooded Basement Cleanup, Mold Removal & Remediation, Biohazard Decontamination, Sanitizing and Disinfecting Restoring Residential & Commercial Buildings all across Toronto & the GTA.

Here are the different restoration services that we offer:

Water Damage Restoration

Flood Restoration

Fire Restoration

Mold Removal Toronto

Sewage Clean up

Emergency Plumber


Home Renovation & Improvements

Odor Removal

Specialty Drying

Water Leak Detection

Property Inspection

Emergency Roof Repair

Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup

Insurance Claims

Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations

Condominium Restoration

GTA Restoration Services Gallery - Photos / Images!

Black mold form Toronto Home
Black Mold in Basement form Toronto Home
Carpet Water Damage Restoration in Toronto Basement
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For more information on our services, GTA Restoration offers or to get started on a project, contact us at 1-800.506-6048 or visit us @ – 24-hour Emergency Services: Water Damage Restoration, Fire Damage Restoration, Flooded Basement Cleanup, Mold Removal & Remediation – serving Toronto & the GTA.
Commercial Parking Garage Cleaning #1 Company in Toronto.!

EMERGENCY SERVICE 24 hrs - (416) 358-6666


Attn: All Building managements.

Dear Sir's or Madame's,

As part of the maintenance strategies regular underground garage pressure washing is a key element to bring down the cost.

Pressure washing garage floor surface will help you remove any crystallized salts that could erode your concrete or cause chloride contamination. Clean floors help with inspection of surface coatings, reduce air pollutants and give the garage a generally appealing atmosphere. 

However, garage maintenance should neither be stressful nor over the budget project. That is where our pressure washing expertise comes in handy.

Commercial Parking Garage Cleaning Company in Toronto -Before and After

With industry experience spanning over 20 years “GTA Restoration is the Supreme Mobile Wash Group.” has the knowledge, equipment, in-house know-how, working out logistics, and the most important resource - experienced staff and supervisor team. This solid ground helps us to understand and achieve the balance between price and great service. 

Hence for the upcoming service and maintenance season we have developed pricing strategies that will help cut down your expense without compromising quality of our service.

Hire #1 of The Best Parking Garage Cleaning Company in Toronto

Parking Garage Cleaning:

As roads are becoming more densely packed with vehicles, it has become very difficult to find parking places. This is more true for extravagant cities like Toronto. As more and more people are moving in every day, every inch of land is very precious to be filled with cars. Due to this, parking agar ages are very significant to keep the city less packed. But, even though not much is required for maintaining parking garages, it is very important to have them cleaned thoroughly every once in a while.

Effort to clean a Parking garage:

As all types of vehicles are parked in these parking spaces, cleaning them reduces the chances of slip and fall injuries to vehicle owners due to oil particulates. Moreover, it makes the parking garages look more presentable and reduces the chances of drain clogging due to dirt build-up. But, while it is obviously beneficial for you, it takes a lot of effort to clean a parking garage, due to its large size. If you are looking for professional help for Parking garages cleaning in Toronto, then contact GTA Restoration Group Inc. to do the job.

Reduce Water Consumption:

GTA Restoration in Toronto's #1 Pressure Washing Company in Toronto located professional cleaners, that offers its services to industrial and commercial places. Though primarily they started off giving their services to homeowners and small commercial establishments, now they have increased their area of operations.GTA Restoration Pressure Washing Company is an EPA compliant professional cleaners that recover and recycle their water and reducing water consumption. Their equipment recycles the wastewater, which can be later reused for other jobs. For Parking garage cleaning service in Toronto, they use Deep cleaning, surface cleaning, and conventional pressure washing method to clean the garage. They spotless the garage and remove any type of impurity or oil residue. To know more about their services, you can visit their official website.

Street & Lot Sweeping Specialists that fit your needs! Toronto & Surrounding Areas

We are a premier regional street power sweeping contractor, GTA Restoration Group inc serves businesses and Homeowner Associations in Toronto & Greater Toronto Area. Whether you’re looking for a municipal or private street sweeper, retail center parking lot cleaning, or a one-time construction site clean-up, GTA Restoration provides excellent quality and customized plans to fit your needs. Call Today or message us today with your property details for a FREE consultation.

Parking Lot Sweeping In Toronto

There might be other parking lot sweepers you’ve heard about, but none of them compare to what GTA Restoration Group Toronto has to offer. We don’t just provide you with excellent, reliable services – we also provide you with the other half of the equation: outstanding customer service. When you call us, you’ll talk to a certified customer service representative. They’ll answer your questions, schedule your appointments, and make you wish that all of your other service providers were as friendly and courteous.

Why Us?

- Reliable technicians
- High-quality customer service
- Professional service
- Sweeping for all kinds of spaces
- Customizable schedules
- Eco-friendly sweepers
- Fuel-efficient vehicles

Small Lots To Big Complexes – We Got You Covered

As Toronto continues to grow, we are ready to expand with it. We offer parking lot sweeping in Greater Toronto Area as well as other property maintenance services. Regardless of the size of your lot, we can work with you to put together the best maintenance plan that works for you and your budget. Whether your lot draws a lot of foot traffic or is off the beaten path, our trucks are equipped with everything we might need to keep your building looking great. Better yet, we work within your schedule.

Contact us to schedule our team to clean up during or after high traffic times of the day, or early in the morning before anyone arrives. Even if you only require clean up services after a construction or remodeling upgrade, Universal Site Services is committed to offering you the best service at a fair price.

We also offer other specialty cleaning services

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Parking Lot Maintenance

An array of proven and efficient sweeping methods to clean and beautify your property.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Pressure Washing

Powerful method for cleaning polluted and contaminated environments.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Day Porter Services

A daily or monthly cleaning program to upkeep your establishment.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Landscape Services

Dedicated to creating and maintaining long-term sustainable and comprehensive landscape management programs for our clients.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Property Maintenance

An assortment of specific services targeted to protect and renew your property.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Graffiti Removal

Leading-edge anti-graffiti coatings and market-leading environmentally safe graffiti removal products.

COVID-19 Site Disinfecting

Cleaning Services For COVID-19GTA restoration is here to make sure your sites are cleaned and ready for employees and customers. We help eliminate the risk of dormant or residual Coronavirus agents on surfaces inside and outside of your business or property.

GTA Restoration #1 Office Disinfecting Team in Toronto

Professional Landscaping Services You Can Trust

Lush greenery or colorful flowers can help anyone feel good. Liven up your building with customized landscaping. Business parks can have a reputation for being dreary and boring. Our team can determine the best foliage to bring some color to your parking lot.

We have years of experience with starting a new landscape design from scratch or making adjustments to make an existing landscape look so much better. Maintenance does not have to be a worry as our services include irrigation, trimming, and pruning.

Property Services To Showcase Toronto’s Best

Universal Site Services specializes in more than just parking lot sweeping. A clean parking lot can get you far, but there are other things to consider to keep your property looking its best. For more intense cleaning jobs, our team can come out with a pressure washer to clean away dirt beyond the surface.

From windows to gutter cleaning, we can handle any job needed to make your property look its best. When you are a property manager or running a business, your day can be busy from sun up to sun down. Let us take some of the hard work off your plate and have your outside exterior looking great.

Proudly Serving The Toronto and the GTA.

Part of what makes Toronto such a unique place is that it is connected to cities and neighborhoods all over the Greater Toronto Area. People from all over flock to the Toronto Ontario area to live in one of the most beautiful regions in the world. You can find anything you could possibly need from gorgeous beaches to frantic city living. GTA Restoration is honored to serve cities all over Toronto and the GTA.

The Benefits Of Parking Lot Sweeping

Want to know how regular parking lot sweeping can help you? There are many benefits that parking lot sweeping can offer your business. From a better-looking parking lot to a space that is free of tripping and slipping hazards, you’ll enjoy the benefits of our services. Regular parking lot sweeping in Toronto and the GTA will improve the look of your building and deliver a great first impression.

Your building’s overall presentation will have a more inviting feel that will let people know that they are welcome. In addition, people will be safe as any tripping hazards or dangerous trash and debris can be taken care of before an incident occurs. While the aesthetics of your building are important, it is just as crucial to keep the environment in mind.

A clean parking lot helps the environment by discouraging littering and helps to keep air and water clean. Even our parking lot sweeping trucks are environmentally friendly and do not put harmful pollutants back into the atmosphere as we are sweeping.

- Improves the look of your building
- Helps the environment
- Puts off a great first impression
- Removes tripping hazards
- Discourages littering
- Deters rodents and wildlife
- Keeps air and water clean

Parking Lot Sweeping In Toronto And Beyond

We aren’t just parking lot sweepers in Toronto – we also offer our services to the surrounding cities. Check out our list of regularly serviced areas below:

Why Choose Us?

We Guarantee Our Work

Consumers and business owners in Toronto and the GTA have a lot of choices; select and trust GTA Restoration Group in Toronto with your parking lots and garages. Our team of professionals at GTA Restoration Group uses hot water, pre-treating methods, and a very precise high pressure to clean stubborn stains and surfaces that impact and contribute to your company’s curb appeal that GTA Restoration Group can even clean the walls within the parking structure along with walkways and driving lanes to create a sparkling clean exterior that your patrons feel safe traversing.

Making things even easier with a sweeping maintenance schedule; GTA Restoration Group in Toronto offers a maintenance plan so that you can always have your property looking clean without the hassle of scheduling, setting-up, or arranging service provision when you are busy with other things. Know that GTA Restoration Group cleaning services are 100% guaranteed and the job is not done until you- the customer- is satisfied.

If you feel that you would like to know more about current promotion please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best In Class Commercial Cleaning Services In Toronto.


Business owners may have the choice of cleaning their buildings themselves or enlisting a commercial cleaning business to clean the building for them and many find that there are various advantages offered by contracting a commercial cleaning service for this work. They additionally comprehend that there are sure things to search for in a commercial building cleaning organization. An expert commercial cleaning business meet has a few attributes that demonstrate that they can give quality services. Free yourself from the obligation of cleaning by employing a commercial cleaning business for the majority of your commercial cleaning needs.

Why Should I hire professional commercial cleaning services?

Keeping up a clean and sterile office condition is basic to the achievement of your business. Most organizations will hire an expert cleaning service to deal with this instead of enlisting a full-time janitor. GTA restoration group A cleaning service company offers cleaning services in all territories of your office. You’ll likely discover a few office cleaning organizations in your city, so you’ll need to know the one truth that is stranger than fiction for you. Despite the fact that you might look set aside extra cash, the organization with the most minimal cost isn’t generally the best arrangement. Are you looking for professional commercial cleaning services in Toronto?

Well, to make it easier for you, as the best Toronto Pressure Washing service provider. We have many years of experience in this business, unlike their competitors. The teams at GTA Restoration is #1 in Toronto for such a service provider we are well-trained and professionally handle any kind of situation. Simply call our helpline number in order to book the cleaning service. Moreover, when it comes to cleaning prices. All services offered by us are affordable in prices as compared to other service providers in Toronto and the GTA.

Tel: 416-905-0000


Commercial Parking Garage Cleaning #1 Company in Toronto.!

EMERGENCY SERVICE 24 hrs - (416) 358-6666


Attn: All Building managements.

Dear Sir's or Madame's,

As part of the maintenance strategies regular underground garage pressure washing is a key element to bring down the cost.

Pressure washing garage floor surface will help you remove any crystallized salts that could erode your concrete or cause chloride contamination. Clean floors help with inspection of surface coatings, reduce air pollutants and give the garage a generally appealing atmosphere. 

However, garage maintenance should neither be stressful nor over the budget project. That is where our pressure washing expertise comes in handy.

Commercial Parking Garage Cleaning Company in Toronto -Before and After

With industry experience spanning over 20 years “GTA Restoration is the Supreme Mobile Wash Group.” has the knowledge, equipment, in-house know-how, working out logistics, and the most important resource - experienced staff and supervisor team. This solid ground helps us to understand and achieve the balance between price and great service. 

Hence for the upcoming service and maintenance season we have developed pricing strategies that will help cut down your expense without compromising quality of our service.

Hire #1 of The Best Parking Garage Cleaning Company in Toronto

Parking Garage Cleaning:

As roads are becoming more densely packed with vehicles, it has become very difficult to find parking places. This is more true for extravagant cities like Toronto. As more and more people are moving in every day, every inch of land is very precious to be filled with cars. Due to this, parking agar ages are very significant to keep the city less packed. But, even though not much is required for maintaining parking garages, it is very important to have them cleaned thoroughly every once in a while.

Effort to clean a Parking garage:

As all types of vehicles are parked in these parking spaces, cleaning them reduces the chances of slip and fall injuries to vehicle owners due to oil particulates. Moreover, it makes the parking garages look more presentable and reduces the chances of drain clogging due to dirt build-up. But, while it is obviously beneficial for you, it takes a lot of effort to clean a parking garage, due to its large size. If you are looking for professional help for Parking garages cleaning in Toronto, then contact GTA Restoration Group Inc. to do the job.

Reduce Water Consumption:

GTA Restoration in Toronto's #1 Pressure Washing Company in Toronto located professional cleaners, that offers its services to industrial and commercial places. Though primarily they started off giving their services to homeowners and small commercial establishments, now they have increased their area of operations.GTA Restoration Pressure Washing Company is an EPA compliant professional cleaners that recover and recycle their water and reducing water consumption. Their equipment recycles the wastewater, which can be later reused for other jobs. For Parking garage cleaning service in Toronto, they use Deep cleaning, surface cleaning, and conventional pressure washing method to clean the garage. They spotless the garage and remove any type of impurity or oil residue. To know more about their services, you can visit their official website.

Street & Lot Sweeping Specialists that fit your needs! Toronto & Surrounding Areas

We are a premier regional street power sweeping contractor, GTA Restoration Group inc serves businesses and Homeowner Associations in Toronto & Greater Toronto Area. Whether you’re looking for a municipal or private street sweeper, retail center parking lot cleaning, or a one-time construction site clean-up, GTA Restoration provides excellent quality and customized plans to fit your needs. Call Today or message us today with your property details for a FREE consultation.

Parking Lot Sweeping In Toronto

There might be other parking lot sweepers you’ve heard about, but none of them compare to what GTA Restoration Group Toronto has to offer. We don’t just provide you with excellent, reliable services – we also provide you with the other half of the equation: outstanding customer service. When you call us, you’ll talk to a certified customer service representative. They’ll answer your questions, schedule your appointments, and make you wish that all of your other service providers were as friendly and courteous.

Why Us?

- Reliable technicians
- High-quality customer service
- Professional service
- Sweeping for all kinds of spaces
- Customizable schedules
- Eco-friendly sweepers
- Fuel-efficient vehicles

Small Lots To Big Complexes – We Got You Covered

As Toronto continues to grow, we are ready to expand with it. We offer parking lot sweeping in Greater Toronto Area as well as other property maintenance services. Regardless of the size of your lot, we can work with you to put together the best maintenance plan that works for you and your budget. Whether your lot draws a lot of foot traffic or is off the beaten path, our trucks are equipped with everything we might need to keep your building looking great. Better yet, we work within your schedule.

Contact us to schedule our team to clean up during or after high traffic times of the day, or early in the morning before anyone arrives. Even if you only require clean up services after a construction or remodeling upgrade, Universal Site Services is committed to offering you the best service at a fair price.

We also offer other specialty cleaning services

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Parking Lot Maintenance

An array of proven and efficient sweeping methods to clean and beautify your property.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Pressure Washing

Powerful method for cleaning polluted and contaminated environments.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Day Porter Services

A daily or monthly cleaning program to upkeep your establishment.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Landscape Services

Dedicated to creating and maintaining long-term sustainable and comprehensive landscape management programs for our clients.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Property Maintenance

An assortment of specific services targeted to protect and renew your property.

Commercial parking garage cleaning

Graffiti Removal

Leading-edge anti-graffiti coatings and market-leading environmentally safe graffiti removal products.

COVID-19 Site Disinfecting

Cleaning Services For COVID-19GTA restoration is here to make sure your sites are cleaned and ready for employees and customers. We help eliminate the risk of dormant or residual Coronavirus agents on surfaces inside and outside of your business or property.

GTA Restoration #1 Office Disinfecting Team in Toronto

Professional Landscaping Services You Can Trust

Lush greenery or colorful flowers can help anyone feel good. Liven up your building with customized landscaping. Business parks can have a reputation for being dreary and boring. Our team can determine the best foliage to bring some color to your parking lot.

We have years of experience with starting a new landscape design from scratch or making adjustments to make an existing landscape look so much better. Maintenance does not have to be a worry as our services include irrigation, trimming, and pruning.

Property Services To Showcase Toronto’s Best

Universal Site Services specializes in more than just parking lot sweeping. A clean parking lot can get you far, but there are other things to consider to keep your property looking its best. For more intense cleaning jobs, our team can come out with a pressure washer to clean away dirt beyond the surface.

From windows to gutter cleaning, we can handle any job needed to make your property look its best. When you are a property manager or running a business, your day can be busy from sun up to sun down. Let us take some of the hard work off your plate and have your outside exterior looking great.

Proudly Serving The Toronto and the GTA.

Part of what makes Toronto such a unique place is that it is connected to cities and neighborhoods all over the Greater Toronto Area. People from all over flock to the Toronto Ontario area to live in one of the most beautiful regions in the world. You can find anything you could possibly need from gorgeous beaches to frantic city living. GTA Restoration is honored to serve cities all over Toronto and the GTA.

The Benefits Of Parking Lot Sweeping

Want to know how regular parking lot sweeping can help you? There are many benefits that parking lot sweeping can offer your business. From a better-looking parking lot to a space that is free of tripping and slipping hazards, you’ll enjoy the benefits of our services. Regular parking lot sweeping in Toronto and the GTA will improve the look of your building and deliver a great first impression.

Your building’s overall presentation will have a more inviting feel that will let people know that they are welcome. In addition, people will be safe as any tripping hazards or dangerous trash and debris can be taken care of before an incident occurs. While the aesthetics of your building are important, it is just as crucial to keep the environment in mind.

A clean parking lot helps the environment by discouraging littering and helps to keep air and water clean. Even our parking lot sweeping trucks are environmentally friendly and do not put harmful pollutants back into the atmosphere as we are sweeping.

- Improves the look of your building
- Helps the environment
- Puts off a great first impression
- Removes tripping hazards
- Discourages littering
- Deters rodents and wildlife
- Keeps air and water clean

Parking Lot Sweeping In Toronto And Beyond

We aren’t just parking lot sweepers in Toronto – we also offer our services to the surrounding cities. Check out our list of regularly serviced areas below:

Why Choose Us?

We Guarantee Our Work

Consumers and business owners in Toronto and the GTA have a lot of choices; select and trust GTA Restoration Group in Toronto with your parking lots and garages. Our team of professionals at GTA Restoration Group uses hot water, pre-treating methods, and a very precise high pressure to clean stubborn stains and surfaces that impact and contribute to your company’s curb appeal that GTA Restoration Group can even clean the walls within the parking structure along with walkways and driving lanes to create a sparkling clean exterior that your patrons feel safe traversing.

Making things even easier with a sweeping maintenance schedule; GTA Restoration Group in Toronto offers a maintenance plan so that you can always have your property looking clean without the hassle of scheduling, setting-up, or arranging service provision when you are busy with other things. Know that GTA Restoration Group cleaning services are 100% guaranteed and the job is not done until you- the customer- is satisfied.

If you feel that you would like to know more about current promotion please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best In Class Commercial Cleaning Services In Toronto.


Business owners may have the choice of cleaning their buildings themselves or enlisting a commercial cleaning business to clean the building for them and many find that there are various advantages offered by contracting a commercial cleaning service for this work. They additionally comprehend that there are sure things to search for in a commercial building cleaning organization. An expert commercial cleaning business meet has a few attributes that demonstrate that they can give quality services. Free yourself from the obligation of cleaning by employing a commercial cleaning business for the majority of your commercial cleaning needs.

Why Should I hire professional commercial cleaning services?

Keeping up a clean and sterile office condition is basic to the achievement of your business. Most organizations will hire an expert cleaning service to deal with this instead of enlisting a full-time janitor. GTA restoration group A cleaning service company offers cleaning services in all territories of your office. You’ll likely discover a few office cleaning organizations in your city, so you’ll need to know the one truth that is stranger than fiction for you. Despite the fact that you might look set aside extra cash, the organization with the most minimal cost isn’t generally the best arrangement. Are you looking for professional commercial cleaning services in Toronto?

Well, to make it easier for you, as the best Toronto Pressure Washing service provider. We have many years of experience in this business, unlike their competitors. The teams at GTA Restoration is #1 in Toronto for such a service provider we are well-trained and professionally handle any kind of situation. Simply call our helpline number in order to book the cleaning service. Moreover, when it comes to cleaning prices. All services offered by us are affordable in prices as compared to other service providers in Toronto and the GTA.

Tel: 416-905-0000



Flooding Toronto and Water Damage Cleanup

Flooding Toronto and Water Damage Restoration

Toronto Flooding Cleanup

Toronto Flooding Cleanup Floods can cause extensive damage to your property. The flooding damage doesn't just occur during the flood ...